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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Air Museum Fun

We got to go to a member's only night at the Air Museum last night. We took Andrew's friend, Tyler, because it's his birthday weekend and Tyler had invited Andrew for a sleepover. I knew Andrew wanted to hit this member night so we asked if Tyler could join us and then we'd drop the two boys back off for the sleepover.

Tyler came along (which was fun for Andrew) and we all had a blast. There were less than 30 people in the entire building...a building with no less than three air hangers attached to it. The kids could RUN and play and enjoy everything without having to wait in line. Here the big boys work on sending marbles through a giant marble works toy.

We enjoyed learning more about our brains and how they work. We loved the games and toys that were out for us to try. Rebekah loved the movie, "Dreams--reality or imagination?"

What a great time and it was fun to share it with a friend. Here are Nathan, Tyler & Andrew sending messages (balls) through the synapses of the brain. When the message arrives, it creates an electrical impulse--lights up the receiving cells.

For those of you who didn't believe me in this Museum Tour Post, I hope you are starting to see that I really am a museum freak. I don't make this stuff up to blog about it, I really love going to museums. We own no less than three passes to local museums/attractions and we never lose money by purchasing them. If you calculate the admission price for our family, it only takes 2-3 visits per year to start making a membership pay for itself. I think this is trip number 5 or 6 for the Air museum. After only two visits, the membership was paid for and after that, I consider it savings when we go. In case you wondered, I'll be renewing the membership when it expires.
I am pleased to note I found some brochures for museums in our area that we have never been to. They were in a rack by the entrance/exit of the museum. Hmmm--my mind is already working on our Spring list of things to do as a family. I think the Victorian House turned Museum might make the list.

1 comment:

Keeslermom said...

I am a huge fan of museums too, and living history farms too. I am dying to find out where this is!

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