Did you get this coupon in your inbox?? If not, you didn't sign up at Walgreens.com for update and savings. Click the picture to get the coupon good for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more. I print several off and hit every Walgreens I pass in the two days.
***NOTE*** I'm having trouble getting the coupon to load. For a while, it said no such page. Now, I'm getting the 'x' in the box where the picture of the coupon should be. I'm going to print this and take to WG and argue for my $5 off. If you get the same broken links, keep trying--or go argue, like me.
Buy your rebate items and get $5 off that will be cash in your pocket after rebates are done. Or, get a big discount on printed photos. Shop their sales/clearance for bonus savings.
Have fun and Happy Shopping!!!
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