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Monday, September 15, 2008

Bicycle Fun

We are 'THOSE' parents you read about. The ones who don't force their kids to learn to ride bikes. Some things just don't seem worth the hassle at the time. However, we put it on the Summer '08 To Do List and we're trying to finish checking off every item. Sean has been taking the kids out for the past several nights to force some practice time.

Rebekah is getting better at riding her "Dora Bike". Unfortunately, she needs to be about 1/2" taller to reach the pedals, but she tries to scoot her buns forward on the seat to reach. When she gets tired of that, she zooms around by pushing herself with her feet on the ground.

When she gets bored with Dora, she needs to ride Andrew's scooter. Of course, she can't balance yet, so somebody has to push her around. She kept trying to push with her left foot like big brother. It just tips her dangerously close to falling over.

Here's Nathan taking a whirl on the bike. He's working hard to balance and is doing really well.

Andrew has been 'so close' for such a long time. He took a couple of super painful tumbles last year and it made him a little bit less than pleased about bike riding. Sean got a better video tonight on his cell phone of Andrew going around the big lot totally on his own---but I can't figure out how to get that video downloaded to the computer. If I ever find a way, I'll post it.

A beautiful photo of the full moon rising.

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