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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summer Activities

Now that you've seen our theme song for summer, let me fill you in on some of the 'events' and happenings so far.

Andrew had "Middle School Camp" right after school got out. This boot camp prepares them for all the new challenges at middle school. They learned to change classes, work combination locks on the lockers, find all the places you need to find, learned their id and got to meet teachers and other students. It was a great experience for him. Sean & I see this as a requirement, not an option.

The week after boot camp, both boys took a Summer Fun School class. Nathan went to Australia in his Didgeridoo and You class. Andrew learned to be a clown. (More blog posts coming soon with pictures.) Since we thought Nathan wasn't going to get to do this, we signed him up for a Hip Hop class in July. (Of course, at the last minute he got into the class, but Hip Hop was already paid and arranged.)

Then last week and this coming week are swimming lessons each day. Another thing that is not optional in our house. Until Dad & Mom know you can fall into the pool at Poppa & Grandma's house and live to tell about it, you WILL take lessons. After June is over, we're done with all the running.

Of course, our piano teacher requires a minimum of 4 lessons over the summer or you are not allowed back at her studio. It keeps the kids fresh. Nathan was able to start his piano this summer instead of waiting for fall. Both boys are excelling at the piano and we're proud of them.

Additionally, Andrew's baseball team is in the playoffs for their league and their team is doing REALLY well. So, each win guarantees another game in the quest for the championship.

We've bowled each summer since Andrew finished kindergarten. Nathan is on a bumper league and Andrew is on a real summer league. Each week they bowl two games (at the same time), get a hot dog afterwards and Nathan gets a Tshirt. Since we do this with Andrew's best buddy Tyler, we alternate weeks. One week Tyler's mom drives and keeps the boys for the afternoon and the next week I do. So one day a week, I get rid of 2/3 of the kids for the entire afternoon. Rebekah naps for a couple hours and I get a TON of stuff done...umm...unless I nap, too.

And--of course--who could ever let the Summer Reading Club at the library go to waste? The kids have all worked and read a lot so they are all almost done with level 3 (of 4) and we're not out of June yet. The best part is that their elementary school got a grant to keep the library open three times a week at school so the kids get a chance to go someplace close to home and they have an agreement with the public library that the books count towards the library prizes. Plus, each time we go there is a craft, snack or activity to do. They are loving it.

So while some days seem crazy, it's just June that's the worst. In June have something every day. I knew when I planned it that we'd do this, but I rarely hear how bored the kids are. Also, I figure they'll have lots of things to choose from when asked what they did on their summer vacation. It also slows the amount of time spent in front of either the Game Cube, Computer or TV.

So we're trying to keep all 104 days of summer vacation full and fun...and not plugged into an electrical device all the time.

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