My Current Giveaways

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Sunday, December 05, 2010

CLOSED: Zhu Zhu Pampered Hamster Playdate & Giveaway

I was selected by Zhu Zhu Pets and Mom Select to host a Pampered Hamster Playdate for Rebekah and a few of her friends. I knew it would be fun, but had no idea how much fun we would end up having! We've never had any Zhu Zhu Pets before so it was a whole new experience for us.

The kids know all about the Zhu Zhus, but I didn't expect the excitement I got when I opened up the box. We were given some Rockstar (or long-hair) Zhu Zhu pets, Fall Fashion Outfits, Pet Carriers and the Beauty Salon. Their eyes were bugging out of their heads.

Here's Rebekah with Kingston and Ryder. She's chomping at the bit to get the pets out of the box.

I didn't tell them about the beauty salon until I got it set up. It was easy to assemble and didn't take very long to do.

In the salon, you set the Zhu Zhu Pet in the hairdryer and the pet makes the fan run and turns on the lights of the vanity mirror.

Nathan & Rebekah were not going to wait for a playdate to check out the salon. They just about killed the batteries on one of the pets making the fan go forever.

Rebekah got the Sharing Bag at Preschool the same week we got the new Zhu Zhu pets so she had to take one in the carrier to school and show her friends. She announced she wanted to take something soft that moved. She debated between a puppy she has that walks and talks, but new Zhu Zhu Pets won out.

We had a Pampered Hamster Playdate where a couple of Rebekah's friends came over and we played Zhu Zhu Pets and had some games and snacks. Unfortunately, my camera messed up and the photos didn't turn out at all so you'll have to imagine it. The girls loved the "Hairstyling Contest" where they took the Zhu's hair and styled it and then had a fashion show running the pets on the floor.

We also did a fun activity/craft/snack where I had a sugar cookie frosted and they added licorice rope hair, and M&M eyes, nose, mouth. Fix and eat. Yum!

Are your kids into Zhu Zhu Pets?
Would you like to win a Zhu Zhu prize pack of your own?
One of Coolestmommy's readers will win a Zhu Zhu Pet (either Kingston or Ryder, may not be the one pictured here), a Deluxe Pet Carrier and two Fashion Outfits.

**Mandatory Entry**

Tell me who you would give your Zhu Zhu prize package to.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to be a blogger to enter this contest, but you must leave a way for me to contact you. Use the anonymous comment form to enter and leave an email.
*You MUST do the mandatory entry! All bonus entries will be deleted if it's not done first!*

**Bonus Entries**
{Leave separate comments for each entry}
1. Follow me publicly on Google Friend Connect (current followers, too) {1 entry}
2. Subscribe to my blog {1 entry}
3. Follow me on Twitter {1 entry}
4. Follow me on Facebook {1 entry}
5. Add my blog to your blog roll/sidebar {1 entry}
6. Follow me via Networked Blogs (lower right side of this page) {2 entries}
7. Email three friends with the link to this giveaway inviting them to enter. Remember to cc me at coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com {2 entries}
8. Tweet about this giveaway {can be done once per day} {1 entry per tweet} You can use this:

RT @Coolestmommy @MomSelectAmy has a #giveaway of a Zhu Zhu Pet prize package you can #win. Ends 12/16

•Giveaway ends Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 1:00 pm Eastern Time.
•Winner will be chosen via Random.Org. and contacted by email
•Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen
• Open to addresses in the United States
• I will ship out the prize pack when I get the winner's address and I hope you will have your package in time for Christmas.

Disclosure: I received these products from Zhu Zhu Pets and MomSelect. The prize package is provided by me out of what I received and I was not compensated in any other way.


The Need 2 Read said...

Would SO love to win this for my 5 year old son!! He says all he wants for Christmas are Zhu Zhu pets and I haven't gotten him a single one!! I'm on unpaid maternity leave, so things aren't looking great for the Zhu Zhus...would LOVE to put this under the Christmas tree for him!! SOOOO crossing my fingers!! Thanks for the chance!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

Following on twitter as @champagnewisdom

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

The Need 2 Read said...

Tweet Tweet!

jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

Happy Homemaker And Momma said...

I would give it to my son

Martha said...

this would be for my dd. (

Anonymous said...

I would give this to my son. he would love it.

Unknown said...

My son has been talking about these things NON-STOP! I really didn't have any idea what they were! He'd LOVE these!


TheGiveAwayQueen {at} hotmail {dot} com

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I would be THE coolest mom in the world if I won this for MaKenna!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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tonya stutzman filleman

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debbie said...

I would give it to my son.

debbie said...

I am a gfc follower.

MommyOf3GirlsInSTL said...

My 2 girls love Zhu Zhu pets. Last Christmas that is all they asked for. They play with the ones they have all the time!!

MommyOf3GirlsInSTL said...

GFC follower :)

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rubynreba said...

My granddaughter love Zhu Zhu pets! I'd love to be able to give this prize to her!

rubynreba said...

I am a new follower.

shirley said...

All the girls ages 1,4,5,6,7,8,10, want these so much, thanks.

shirley said...

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Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

I would love to win this for my daughter!!

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

I follow via networked blogs FB name is Becky Barrett Beitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Kimberly S said...

I would love to give this to my son and daughter.

Kimberly S said...

following on google connect

kim.shay85 at

Kimberly S said...

following on twitter @kittie1031

kim.shay85 at

Kimberly S said...

twitted on twitter @kittie1031

Ronda said...

My 5 and 8 year olds would love this. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

Ronda said...

I subscribe to your emails.

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Gosfam said...

I would give it to both my daughters. if I gave it to just one there would be a fight for sure :)

mattles22 at yahoo dot com

Gosfam said...

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Gosfam said...


Linda Kish said...

I would give it to my great nephew.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

phxbne said...

my daughter's friend

phxbne said...

Following on twitter as @phxbne

Monica said...

My little girl would love this!


Kristen said...

I'd give it to my nephew.

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

i tweeted today @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Courtney :) said...

My 7 year old niece has this on her christmas list! I would love to give it to her.

cmw_2289 at yahoo dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

my friend knows a little girl that loves these, so I might pass them along.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

twitter follow - shootingstarmag

lauren51990 at aol dot com

tarter95 said...

I would give this to my son.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com

tarter95 said...

I am a GFC follower.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com

tarter95 said...

I am an email subscriber.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com

SimplySavvy said...

My toddlers would get this. they love Zhu Zhu's but don't haven any accessories yet.
sslguzman (at) gmail (dot) com

bison61 said...

this would be for my granddaughter

tiramisu392 (at)

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

i tweeted today @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Melissa G said...

I have a little korean friend who would love this for Christmas! She loves animal and stuffed anmimals so i know she would love these pets.

Melissa G said...

I follow your blog.

missylovsjesus at yahoo dot com

Ai Mei said...

It would go to my little sister. She has been dying for Zhu Zhu pets! :)

Ai Mei said...

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Jeni said...

My girls would share this prize pack!

Jeni said...

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liked on FB Jeni Coic Johannsmeier

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Rebecca W said...

I'd give the Zhu Zhu pets to my neice Hailey
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

I follow your blog via gfc rebecca williams
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

I'm a new follower on fb @rebeccaw2005
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

HomemadeBaby said...

I would give this to my daughter! She gets so excited every time she sees a Zhu Zhu Pets commercial on TV!
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said...

I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect
Marysa N – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Life Is A SandCastle said...

I would give it to my two sons 3 & 1. They think zhu zhu are cool and love to giggle at them.

Life Is A SandCastle said...

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Erin H. said...

I would love to give these to my 2 and 6 year old daughters! They both LOVE the Zhu Zhu's and have requested them for Christmas.

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

12/10 i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

John said...

I would give the Zhu Zhus to my little niece, she loves them!

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

12/11 i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

12/12 i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Megan said...

If I were to win this, i'd give it to a neighbor girl who I know would love them. She rarely gets things like this as they are a low income family. Would be nice to get this for her for christmas

princesssaturn59 at aol dot com

megan said...

I watch you via Google
princesssaturn59 at aol dot com

megan said...

I watch you via Google
princesssaturn59 at aol dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

12/12 i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Chelsey said...

My friends' boys would love this! Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said...

I follow. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said...

I follow you on twitter. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Jennifer Hunt said...

I have a house full of boys who would love these Zhu Zhus!

Jennifer Hunt said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway @onlybluemomma

Jennifer Hunt said...

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Unknown said...

My boys love Zhu Zhu's so this would be for them.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

To my nephew Nathan - he would love this!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

♥Jennette♥ said...

This would be a great gift for both of my kids! They love them and would have a blast with this!

♥Jennette♥ said...

I follow your blog via GFC!

♥Jennette♥ said...

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♥Jennette♥ said...

I am your fan!
J. Hansen

♥Jennette♥ said...

I tweeted!

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

12/14 i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

12/15 i tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

nel said...

I will give this to my Great Niece Kherokee (9) we are new to collecting Zhu Zhu.....

acouponaddict at charter dot net

nel said...

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acouponaddict at charter dot net

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neljo m

acouponaddict at charter dot net

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acouponaddict at charter dot net

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acouponaddict at charter dot net

nel said...

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neljo m

acouponaddict at charter dot net

skkorman said...

My boy Joey would love this!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...


hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

dlhaley said...

I would love to win this for my granddaughter.


Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

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