Our family enjoys volunteering at the local children's theater. We help their guild out by manning a table at shows and selling little trinkets to the kids at the show. The money raised helps provide every 2nd grade child in our state with a live theater experience. If they live too far away from the theater to come in as a field trip, then they receive a caravan tour and see live theater in their school. Since Sean & I are both theater majors, this is an important program and we try to instill in our children that community service is required throughout your life in order to be a part of the community. They also know the bonus is that we get to stay and enjoy the show so we can sell more things after the show ends.
When we get there, if they are short any volunteers, we shift Andrew and Sean around to other area where they need help. Booster seats is one area where they are often short a volunteer. The volunteer loans out booster seats so children can see better and then checks them back in and puts them away after the show. Andrew loves this job and we have now started contacting the theater in advance and signing him up to do boosters.
At the last show, we were invited to a volunteer appreciation night. We went and when they started giving out awards, we were telling the kids--almost over. We'll go when the awards are done. We won't get any since we are not really volunteers. Then we hear them announce, the next award goes to a family who doesn't even know they are volunteers. Uh-oh...ok kids, we might just win one.
Yup, we won the "Lifesaver Family" award. They consider us Life Savers for always being willing to pitch in and help wherever we are needed. It was very sweet and the kids were thrilled to get two bags of Life Savers to share...and public recognition and applause. We've talked about how blessed we are because we never volunteered to 'get' anything. We do it because we believe in what they are doing and our family believes in giving back. But, it is nice to be recognized for our work and willingness to help.
So we are thrilled and looking forward to giving back next season again. (The lineup is amazing and we can't wait!)
Rebekah giving our award bunny ears.
1 comment:
That's awesome.
You are Lifesavers, for many community groups and for me. More literally for me than most, but that's another blog post, right?
And what a great idea, too - Lifesaver Award. I'm SOoooo stealing that idea.
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